Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever.
Last weekend, August 1st, Dorothy's House of Coffee reopened under new management. Originally, Dorothy's was sponsored by the Catholic Community of Flint. However, due to the pandemic and poor financial assistance during this time of pandemic I had to make the decision to close Dorothy's. A community of men who live together in what is called "Archangel House" along with Fr. Tony Smela decided to resurrect Dorothy's and they are doing so independently; meaning no support from the Catholic Community of Flint. I believe this venture could be of significant impact upon our community of Flint. Dorothy's could become a meeting place where new ideas and new opportunities could be considered. What you don't know is that one person in particular is risking a great deal on this venture. His name is, Tim Goodrich. Tim ran a shoe repair store here in Flint. He walked away from that business so that Dorothy's might be possible. He is also the leader at "Archangel House" which is also a new venture here in Flint. And by the way, Tim is a recent convert to the Catholic Church. Converts make good Catholics because they want to be in our Church unlike some of us who just wake up to find out we're Catholic and not always sure why. Tim is taking a risk. Perhaps the better way to say it is, Tim is taking a "leap of faith." Just imagine if we all would be willing to take that leap of faith what might happen here in Flint. You see our faith requires not only faith in God. We must have faith in each other! Tim has faith in the people of this city. So if you have the time once and awhile and would love a good coffee or a great tasting crepe for breakfast or a midday break stop by at Dorothy's. If you're by yourself it would be a great opportunity to talk to Tim or one of the other men who might be there. If you want to meet with a few people over business or just to talk there is plenty of room to get together over one of the many beverage or food offerings available. It is a place to meet and talk face to face. It might be a place where students study together. It might just be the right place to begin anew like Tim.
You are all in my prayers and heart. May Holy Mary, Mother of Flint intercede for the people of Flint to re-pristinate our city in His Love.
Fr. Tom
503 East St, Flint, MI 48503