We Need You!
Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever.
It is important that parishioners always remember that priests come and go. Parishioners are always the stability of a parish. So I would like to remind those parishioners who show up only on Sundays that there are many opportunities to serve the Catholic Community of Flint:
We always need more Eucharistic ministers, not just for liturgy, but to visit the sick or help the Deacons in the hospital. We always need lectors. Or perhaps you want to be available to our choir. How about helping to clean the church? Serve Mass (adults and children). We need people to teach our children their faith. We need people who will make sure that the hospitality of the parish is visible; such as greeters on Sunday to answer questions or to welcome the stranger; or people to assist those who are mourning by helping at the funeral liturgy or perhaps assisting the kitchen crew that makes sure there is food for those who have attended the funeral. We need more St. Joseph Workers who do so many of the duties of keeping our parish beautiful such as flowers, mowing, carpentry, etc. In fact, our St. Joseph Workers save us a lot of money. (A few years ago when we were being audited by the Diocese, I was told that no one but paid staff may step on a ladder or take up a hammer, etc. I told the diocese that if they gave me one hundred thousand dollars then I would comply. Really they save us a bundle!) But this is only the beginning! As the Catholic Community of Flint we also need to step up our presence to the city of Flint. We need people to help evangelize our city. We need people to volunteer at Catholic Charities or St. Luke's N.E.W. Life Center. We need qualified people to help us write grants. To assist us in our School such as tutoring or helping to get some kids transportation. We need qualified counselors.
I can go on and on. But I hope you get the point. WE NEED YOU!
May Mary Mother of Flint bless our efforts to make our Church visible and available for all those who seeking her Son. You are all in my prayers and heart.
Fr. Tom