Flu Season
Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever. We are experiencing a very virulent flu season. Thus, for the next month or so we will not be offering the chalice with the Blood of Christ. The only one who must receive both the Blood of Christ and the Body of Christ is the priest celebrant. If there is anyone who is allergic to gluten, let us know. We have gluten free hosts at St. Matthew's and can make these hosts available to our other Flint churches if needed. I would also add that if you are ill to please stay at home and take care of yourself and you will be helping to stem this flu infection. I will monitor this flu "epidemic" (not my word but the word used by the CDC) and try to return to our usual communion procedure as soon as possible. Please help those who are more vulnerable to the flu such as the youngest and oldest in our society by limiting the spread of this virus. Thank you for your cooperation. You are all in my prayers and heart. May Mary Mother of Flint intercede for us to her Son for our health and well being. Fr. Tom