From the Pastor

Praise be Jesus Christ, Now and Forever. It is required of every priest in our diocese to take a yearly retreat. I always try to make my retreat before lent. Yes, my dear people lent is almost here. It is good that Ash Wednesday does not catch you off guard "like a thief in the night" as Scripture conveys. We should soberly prepare for lent so that we take the season as it is truly meant to be: An Opportunity! We celebrate at the end of lent the Great Sacrifice. So what will we sacrifice? Please, please, please do not approach the sacrifice as a time to give up something that most likely improves my own self, something like a New Year's resolution. If it is to be a sacrifice then it must be in essence for others. Too many times we give up something for lent and then by the middle of lent we just give up whatever we gave up. Sacrifice means you demonstrate sincere and persevering love. Don't give up the opportunity that lent holds for you. You are all in my prayers and heart, especially while I am on retreat. May Mary, Mother of Flint bless you and those you love. - Fr. Tom