A Note From Our Pastor

Praise be Jesus Christ, Now and Forever. As we strive to be one Catholic community, I would like you to know that there are plans to establish a shrine to our Blessed Mother under the Btle of Mary, Mother of Flint. We hope to place this shrine at the site of where St. Mary's school was located on Franklin St. I believe we will never be successful to reinvigorate our Catholic Church in Flint without being Catholic. Our idenBty our existence is in jeopardy in Flint. Being Catholic recognizes the prominence and intercessory power of the Blessed Virgin Mary in our daily lives. I know Protestants claim we pray to Mary and many Catholics buy into this too. But there is a basic truth to our life, that it's not what you know, it's who you know. And many of us are just plain fooling ourselves if we believe we have a direct line to God. Many of us hardly think about God during our day. Well there is one person who always keeps God, in her Son Our Lord Jesus Christ, constantly in her heart and in her mind. (Deuteronomy 6:4-6) There was only one purpose for the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: To give us her Son Our Lord Jesus Christ. So we will establish a place here in Flint asking Mary, Mother of Flint to bless us by giving us her Son. Several parishes in our diocese are contribuBng to this project which will also have a picnic area and play area for our children. If you wish to contribute call St. Mary's. I look forward to see you there when the project is completed. You are all in my prayers and heart. Fr. Tom