Fr. Gerald's Farewell
I believe in God – of course! – and I believe in love and there is plenty of that here in Flint! Unfortunately, I am saying ‘good-bye’...
Daily Mass Update
Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever. My dear and patient people, our Bishop has extended the date of June 1st for when we will be...
Updates as of 4/30
Statement on the Re-introduction of Public Masses within the Diocese of Lansing

Updates as of 4/4
"Based on the current circumstances and with a profound desire to protect the health and well being of all, Bishop Boyea has discerned...
Updates as of 3/17
"After consultation with the priests of the diocese, who were of mixed minds on this matter, and out of deep concern for the health of...

Passion Play!
Click here for updated info

Christmas Mass times
Mass times for Christmas Vigil and Christmas Day (scroll to see both): #Christmas

Oremus: Let Us Pray!
The Catholic Community of Flint will be offering a Holy Hour on the 2nd Monday of each month (October 14th, November 11, December 9th,...
Eucharist is at our essence
Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever. Last week I mentioned the lighted candle in the church as a symbol conveying that the...