From the Pastor
Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever. I want to thank all those who sent cards, and prayers and presents my way because of my...

The Catholic Community of Flint has purchased a gift for you! Enjoy a free subscription to formed.org - an incredible online gateway to...

From the Pastor
Praise be Jesus Christ, Now and Forever. It is required of every priest in our diocese to take a yearly retreat. I always try to make my...

From Fr. Zach
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I hope this finds you all well, enjoying this little glimpse of spring (and reprieve from winter weather)!...

A Note From Our Pastor
Praise be Jesus Christ, Now and Forever. As we strive to be one Catholic community, I would like you to know that there are plans to...

Mercy Mondays
Warning! Believe it or not but Lent is just around the corner! In just a few weeks, on Wednesday, March 1st, we will begin the Catholic...
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Monday, December 12th, is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mass will be held at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church at 6 PM. Bishop Boyea...
Christmas Eve Mass at St. John Vianney
The children and youth of St. John Vianney Parish and St. John Vianney Catholic School are being recruited to portray roles in this...

Flint Art Walk - St. Matthew's
On the second Friday of the month, St. Matthew's has been participating in the Flint Art Walk. St. Matthew's opens it doors to all, and...